Jews and Burghers in the Republic of Nobles


Sun. 29.09.2002 | 14:00 -
Tue. 01.10.2002 | 15:00 o' clock

"There is no history of Poland without the history of the Jews,
and no history of the Jews without the history of Poland"
(Jacob Goldberg)

The German Historical Institute Warsaw, in co-operation with the Department of Jewish History at the University of Haifa and the Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw, is planning to organise an international conference on the history of Jews and Burghers in pre-partition Poland. Our aim is to promote a dialogue between "Jewish" and "Polish" historiography and especially among scholars working on those topics in Poland and abroad.

Burghers and Jews together formed the urban element in Polish society. They shared a certain antagonism towards the lesser szlachta and the peasantry, and competed for the favours and privileges granted by the "political nation" - the king and the nobility.  As social groups, both were shaped in part by immigration from abroad and by internal migration within the Commonwealth, and both developed new and vibrant urban identities in this period.  By the early modern period, the Jewish population in Poland had grown (mostly) peacefully to become the centre of Ashkenazi Jewry, in demographic as well as intellectual terms. The Burghers, on the other hand, developed very much in the cultural shadow cast by the nobility and its Sarmatian ideology, and remained generally weak until their resurgence towards the end of the 18th century.

The planned conference provides an occasion for common reflections about analogies and differences between the two groups, and hopes to encourage new perspectives for research drawn from comparative studies. Since the history of neither group can be studied in a vacuum, the organisers are convinced that the comparative approach holds significant promise for the development of new and interesting approaches for Polish history in general, as well as for Polish-Jewish history, and Polish urban history in particular.

The Conference will be held at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw. Papers will be presented in English and Polish, with a simultaneous translation.

Jews and Burghers in the Republic of Nobles (June 2002)

Sunday, Sept. 29th

14.00 - Opening, greetings, etc.

14.30 - Magdalena Teter, Middletown: Trespassing Social and Religious Boundaries. Jewish-Christian Interaction in Early Modern Towns of Eastern Poland-Lithuania
15.15 - Heidemarie Petersen: Jews and other "minorities" (Ormians, Ruthenians) in Lwów in the 15th/16th centuries

16.00-16.30 Coffee break

16.30 - Krzysztof Mikulski, Toruń: Żydzi i mieszczanie w Toruniu  [Jews and Burghers in the Prussian Town of Toruń]

17.15 - Leszek Hondo, Kraków: Żydzi i mieszczanie  w prywatnym mieście Tarnowie w XVI i XVII wieku [Jews and Burghers in the Private Town of Tarnów in the 16th Century]

18.00 - 19.00 Break

19.00 - Jakub Goldberg, Jerusalem: Żydzi i mieszczanie w dawnej Polsce [Jews and Burghers in the Polish Commonwealth] (open lecture)

Monday, Sept. 30th

9.15 - Jacek Wijaczka, Kielce: Kupcy chrześcijańscy i żydowscy a szlachta w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej [Relations between Christian and Jewish Merchants and the Szlachta in Pre-Partition Poland]

10.00 - Elchanan Reiner, Harvard: Some Insights on the transition from Medieval Ashkenazi to 16th Century Polish Jewish Community

10.45-11.15 Coffee break

11.15 - Adam Teller, Haifa: The Shtetl as an Arena of Polish-Jewish Integration in the 18th Century

12.00 -  Jarosław Dumanowski, Toruń: Lubraniec w XVIIIw. Żydowskie miasteczko i stolica włości magnackich [Lubranic in the 18th Century. A Jewish Shtetl and Centre of a Magnate Estate]

12.45-14.30 Lunch break

14.30 - Adam Kaźmierczyk, Kraków: Relacje Żydów w dobrach prywatnych do sądownictwa miejskiego w XVI-XVIII wieku [Jews on Noblemen's Estates towards the Jurisdiction of Towns in the 16th Century]

15.15 - Anna Michałowska, Warszawa: Społeczność żydowska a indywiduum [The Jewish Community and the Individual]

16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break

16.30 - Moshe Rosman, Tel Aviv: Jewish Women in Polish Towns

17.15 -  Cezary Kuklo, Białystok: Kobiety w życiu społeczno-gospodarczym miast Polski przedrozbiorowej [Women in the Socio-Economic Life in the Towns of Pre-Partition Poland]

Tuesday, Oct. 1st

9.15 - Edward Fram, Beer-Sheba: Jews' and Christians' Stereotypes and Fears of Each Other

10.00 - Edmund Kizik, Gdańsk: Mieszczaństwo gdańskie wobec Żydów w XVI-XVIII w. [The Burghers of Gdańsk towards the Jews in the 16th -18th Centuries]

10.45 - 11.15 Coffee break

11.15 - Jan Doktór, Warszawa: Mieszczanie i Żydzi polscy w dziennikach misjonarzy Institutum Judaicum i relacjach wysłanników Herrnhuter Gemeinde (Brüdergemeinde) w Herrnhut w XVII wieku [Polish Burghers and Jews as seen by Missionaries of the Institutum Judaicum and by Representatives of the Brüdergemeinde in Herrnhut in the 17th Century]

12.00 - Judith Kalik, Jerusalem: Church's involvement in the Contacts between Jews and Burghers in the 17th-18th Centuries Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

12.45 - 14.30 Lunch break

14.30 - Final discussion

Der  Vortrag und das Kolloquium am Donnerstag müssen wegen Krankheit von Herrn Prof. Jaworski abgesagt werden!

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