History with People. History of Everyday Life and Its Historical Research in Germany and East Central Europe


Wed. 20.02.2019 | 17:30 o' clock
Dr. Gintarė Malinauskaitė
Dr. Christhardt Henschel
Prof. Dr. Ruth Leiserowitz

18. Joachim-Lelewel-Gespräch:

History with People. History of Everyday Life and Its Historical Research in Germany and East Central Europe

”The nightmare of a social history that leaves out people” – with this formulation (in 1987) Peter Borscheid condensed the criticism coming from the proponents of a history of everyday life that they directed both at historical social science as well as its methodological claim: social history should instead investigate historical actions by individuals and small collectives “from below” and describe these in the context of the social, political or cultural structures that shaped them. In the intervening period, the history of everyday life has in fact established itself as a historical discipline, even if the criticism of its methods has not yet fallen totally silent. The question that is the focus of the Lelewel Discussions asks about the development of the history of everyday life as a discipline in recent years – both in the various national contexts as well as in international comparison. The areas that need to be sketched out are the receptions, adaptations, and transformations which the concepts of “everyday history” have experienced in the eastern part of Europe through the interplay of state socialist/Marxist-Leninist and national historiographic traditions.

The panelists:
Dr. Tomas Vaiseta, Vilnius University
Prof. Dr. hist. Vita Zelče, University of Latvia
Prof. Dr. Tatjana Tönsmeyer, University of Wuppertal
Dr. hab. Błażej Brzostek, University of Warsaw
Prof. Dr. Ruth Leiserowitz, Humboldt University in Berlin, German Historical Institute in Warsaw

Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2019
17:30 pm

Martynas-Mažvydas-Nationalbibliothek Litauen
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania
Gedimino pr. 51
LT-01504 Vilnius

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