New publication: Changing the Point of View (PDF)
Changing the Point of View: From the Experiences of the German Historical Institute Warsaw
This anniversary volume offers personal accounts from 12 scholars…
New scholarships
Applications for research scholarships can be submitted until September 30, 2024. The German Historical Institute Warsaw offers scholarships to support research…
CfP: Echoes of Conflict. Health Consequences of War and Violence Across Generations
We are pleased to announce the international conference Echoes of Conflict: Health Consequences of War and Violence Across Generations. This conference aims to…
Out now: Urban Communities and Memories, ed. by Aleksander Łupienko
Volume 3 of our series "Poland: Transnational Histories" is now available! The edited volume studies how various social bonds of communities functioned in…
CfP: Infrastructural Turn. How Materiality Shapes Exhibitions about Difficult Pasts
In recent decades, memory and museum studies have vastly researched the social, political, and aesthetic concepts of exhibition narratives about difficult…
80 Jahre danach – Der Warschauer Aufstand
Our (former) employees take part in the public discussion about the Warsaw Uprising.
Warsaw August 1, 2024, 5:00 p.m. - A city commemorates the Warsaw Uprising…
Reprographic Services
Starting July 29th, the German Historical Institute library is introducing a free scanning service. Interested users can make copies of materials themselves for…
Film: Modernisierung und Verwestlichung
In her recently published study, historian Raluca Goleșteanu-Jacobs examines the socio-cultural developments in Habsburg Galicia and the Kingdom of Romania. The…
Film: The "heroes" of Habsburg Galicia and the Romanian Kingdom
In her recently published study, historian Raluca Goleșteanu-Jacobs examines the socio-cultural developments in Habsburg Galicia and the Kingdom of Romania. But…
Musikhistorische Profilierung der Prager Außenstelle?
Braucht das DHI Warschau musikgeschichtliche Forschung? Für die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des Workshops letzte Woche in Prag lautete die Antwort "Ja". Die…
Film: About the Habsburg Empire and the Kingdom of Romania
What were the main differences between the Habsburg Empire and the Kingdom of Romania in the second half of the 19th century? Raluca Goleșteanu-Jacobs, author…
Smetana international
2024 ist Jahr der tschechischen Musik. Die tschechische Musikgeschichte ist geprägt von der Zahl „4“. Viele bedeutende Jahrestage enden mit dieser Ziffer, so…
Film: Der ukrainische Literat Mykhailo Mohylańskyi
Mykhailo Mohylańskyi (1873-1942) ist einer der Begründer des intellektuellen Romans in der ukrainischen Literatur des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Als Freund der…
CfP: Histories of Violence in Central and Eastern Europe. A Comparative Perspective
The history of violence is part of the human condition. For many decades, studies have focused on statistical, military, anthropological or psycho-historical…
The history of the Baltic States - Terra X History Podcast
Ist das Baltikum eine politische Einheit? Wie hat es sich geographisch entwickelt? Und mit welcher Geschichte identifizieren sich Menschen in Estland, Lettland…