
Job offer: Assistant for our office in Prague
Das Deutsche Historische Institut Warschau (DHI Warschau), ein Institut der Max Weber Stiftung mit Sitz in Bonn, sucht zum 1. März 2025 eine studentische…

Die Geschichte der Warschauer Metro - Auftakt einer neuen Reihe
Zum Auftakt der neuen Veranstaltungsreihe unserer Bibliothek unter dem Motto "Tu sie rozmawia" (Hier wird gesprochen) war gestern der bekannte Varsovianist…

New publication: Jan Klápště, Martin Nodl (Hg.): Böhmische und mährische Städte im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter
Böhmische und mährische Städte im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter
This anthology contains selected studies by Czech and Moravian historians and archaeologists who…

Research - Fellowship in the US
Dr. Jaromír Mrňka is a research associate at the DHI Warsaw and heads the branch office in Prague. From October 29 to December 6, 2024, he completed a…

1944/1945: The Ends of War in East-Central Europe
The Second World War ended around 80 years ago. To mark the occasion, the GHI Warsaw is organizing a series of public lectures in cooperation with the Museum of…

Merry Christmas!
An eventful year is coming to an end. We are delighted with the great research progress, successful project completions, innovative publications and numerous…

New publication: Horst Bredekamp: Akt obrazu
The first Polish translation of the Image Acts, written by Horst Bredekamp, professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin, an art historian specialising in the…

New Publication: The Circle of Life Birth, Dying, and the Liminality of Life in Modern Times
In modern societies, secularisation, scientification, and rationalisation have had a major impact on systems of beliefs as well as everyday life. These…

Job offer: part-time employee for the secretariat
The German Historical Institute Warsaw, an institute of the Bonn-based Max Weber Foundation, is looking for a part-time employee (0.5 position) for its…

Home Movies. Niechciane archiwa
On 26 November, the project ‘Home Movies. Niechciane archiwa’ came to a close at the DSH in Warsaw. The GHI Warsaw was involved in the conception and…

New publication: Jewish or Common Heritage?: Appropriation of Synagogues in East-Central Europe since 1945
The orphaned synagogue in the urban space. How do we engage with it? At first glance, this is the question within the scope of the contemporary concept of Criti…

New publication: Jerzy Topolski: Geschichte schreiben und verstehen. Zu Theorie und Praxis erzählender Geschichtsdarstellung
‘Is the boundary between historiography and literature really illusory and indeterminable? [...] How should those who research and write about history behave in…

Exhibition: Architecture and Everyday Life under German Occupation
Since October 18, 2024, the exhibition Allmachtsphantasien. Architecture and Everyday Life under German Occupation at the Zamek Cultural Center in Poznań. It…

Candlelight, flowers and decorated graves - the beginning of November is a time of remembrance for catholic Poles. Traditionally, most people go to the…

Wie beeinflussen Diplomaten die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen?
Welchen Einfluss haben Diplomaten auf die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen? Wer waren die deutschen Diplomaten in Polen in den 1920er- und 1930er-Jahren? Das…