Our (former) employees take part in the public discussion about the Warsaw Uprising.
Warsaw August 1, 2024, 5:00 p.m. - A city commemorates the Warsaw Uprising of 80 years ago. A siren sounds, a minute's silence brings the Polish capital to a standstill, people remember the victims. Few events have shaped Warsaw as much as the Second World War. The Warsaw Uprising is a particularly traumatic chapter.
In Germany, the uprising is not so widely known. Few people know that it lasted 63 days and cost the lives of almost 200,000 Polish people. The German Historical Institute in Warsaw puts the events in context. Here you will find an overview of articles, contributions and interviews written by and with (former) employees of the DHI Warsaw on the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising:
- Prof. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska, Direktorin DHI Warschau, interview on the visit of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Warsaw as part of the commemorations marking the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising (WDR5, Morgenecho 01.08.2024).
- Prof. Saryusz-Wolska DHIW-Direktorin zum Warschauer Aufstand und dem Besuch Steinmeiers in Warschau (ARD Radio, 01.08.2024)
- Prof. Felix Ackermann: Gedächtnislücke Warschau. about the Warsaw Uprising and the lack of knowledge in Germany (Spiegel, 01.08.2024).
- Dr. Daniel Brewing (former GHI Warsaw scholar), Stephan Lehnstaed (former GHI Warsaw researcher): Traumatische Heldentat, about the symbolic meaning of the Warsaw Uprising for Poland (FAZ, 29.07.2024).
- Felix Ackermann: Berlin braucht den Bahnhof Warschauer Aufstand (Tagesspiegel, 01.08.2024)
- Prof Stephan Lehnstaedt, interview with Tomasz Urzykowski, (Gazeta Wyborcza, 05.08.2024)
- Felix Ackermann: Niemcom mylą się powstania (Rzeczpospolita, 01.08.2024)
- Felix Ackermann: Niemiecki historyk proponuje zmienić nazwę berlińskiej stacji kolejowej z Warszawskiej na Powstania Warszawskiego, (Gazeta Wyborcza, 31.07.2024)
- Prof. Stephan Lehnstaedt, interview with Jacek Lepiarz: Bez Powstania Warszawskiego nie można zrozumieć Polaków (Deutsche Welle, 08.06.2024)