Workshop: (De)Constructing Europe


Wednesday 6 July: Arrival in London.

Day 1: Thursday 7 July

9.45-10.00 Coffee

10.00-10.15 Opening introduction and comments

10.15-11.15 Philipp Müller: Decolonization and Europeanization of the Portuguese Empire.

11.15-11.30 Coffee break

11.30-12.30 Andrea Martinez: Europe constructed, Europe contested: Italian media in the early years of the European project.

12.30-13.30 Lunch break

13.30-14.30 David Lawton: The Maastricht judicial review: contesting the future at court.  

14.30-15.30 Antonio Carbone: Olives, oranges, and the EEC's Southern Enlargement: the Discussion within Coldiretti.

15.30-15.45 Coffee break

15.45 -16.45 Olga Gontarska: Historical references in the Polish debate on European integration (case study analysis).

16.45-17.15 Break

17.15-18.45 Evening panel event. Prompt: ‘Going against the tide? Sceptical views and alternative visions of European integration.’

18.45 Dinner

Day 2: Friday 8 July

9.45-10.00 Coffee/opening introduction Day 2

10.00-11.00 Alexander Hobe: German soldiers and European integration in the 1950s.

11.00-11.15 Coffee break

11.15-12.15 Beata Jurkowicz: Euroscepticism and democratic opposition in communist Poland.

12.15-13.15 Lunch break

13.15-14.15 Katharina Troll: How to handle the troublemaker? West German textile industry and the first British application for membership to the EEC 1961-1963

14.15-15.15 William King: The Second Front: British Labour Party MEPs and the European Parliament, 1979-89.

15.15-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-17.00 Concluding comments

17.00-17.30 Break

17.30-18.30 Social Mixer in the GHIL Library

18.30 Dinner


Day 3: Saturday 9 July

Optional day for local and external experts.

9.45-10.00 Opening introduction Day 3

10.00-11.30 Publications (including special issues)

11.30-11.45 Coffee break

11.45-13.00 Next steps




Jan Musekamp (GHI Warsaw): Global Color Lines“ auf vier Kontinenten: Deutschsprachige aus der Ukraine zwischen 1860 und 1950
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