Poland: Transnational Histories

Since 2022, the GHI Warsaw and the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History (Polish Academy of Sciences PAN) are publishing a book series with Routledge Publishing in English language. The books aim to present innovative research on the mobilities and (border) shifts characteristic of Polish history. At the same time, they are embedded in broader developments beyond Polish borders. 

Our understanding of "transnational histories" is oriented towards approaches such as the new imperial histories, translocal or global histories, and goes beyond the bilateral concepts of relational history or histoire croisée. The goal is an interwoven history that includes diverse ethnicities, religions, cultures, and social classes.

We welcome publication proposals of studies based on a variety of sources (textual, visual, cartographic, etc.) that can be classified under the following topics:

  • histories of social and spatial migrations;
  • histories of cultural and intellectual transfers;
  • histories of social and economic changes;
  • histories of ethnic, linguistic, or religious interplays;
  • histories of environmental and natural developments (especially borderland history).

The series was initiated by the German Historical Institute Warsaw and the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History (PAN). The editors are Miloš Řezník (GHIW), Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska (GHIW, managing editor), Maciej Górny (Manteuffel Institute of History), Maciej Janowski (Manteuffel Institute of History), Catherine Gousseff (CNRS Paris), and Keely Stauter-Halsted (University of Illinois Chicago).

Further information in English: https://www.routledge.com/Poland-Transnational-Histories/book-series/POLSKA

Contact and publication suggestions: wienert@dhi.waw.pl


Bd. 1: Alexej Lochmatow: Public Knowledge in Cold War PolandScholarly Battles and the Clash of Virtues, 1945–1956

Bd. 2: Raluca Goleșteanu-Jacobs: Habsburg Galicia and the Romanian KingdomSociocultural Development, 1866–1914

Bd. 3: Aleksander Łupienko: Urban Communities and Memories in East-Central Europe in the Modern Age

Mykola Riabchuk: Mapping a "Nowhere Nation": Imperial Knowledge and Challenges of Decolonization
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