Dr. Mykola Riabchuk

Research Fellow

+48-22-525 83-00

Biographical Summary

Mykola Riabchuk is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and, currently, a Visiting Research Fellow at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw. He penned several books on contemporary Ukraine and postcommunist transformations in Eastern Europe, including Die reale und die imaginierte Ukraine (Berlin, 2005), Eastern Europe since 1989: Between the Loosened Authoritarianism and Unconsolidated Democracy (Warsaw, 2020), and At the Fence of Metternich’s Garden. Essays on Europe, Ukraine, and Europeanization (Stuttgart, 2021). His work was distinguished with a number of national and international awards, including Antonovych Prize for outstanding achievements in humanities (2003), Bene merito medal of the Polish ministry of foreign affairs for significant contribution in Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation (2008), and Shevchenko National Prize in arts and literature for the collection of essays Nationalist’s Lexicon (2022). As a visiting scholar at GHI, Dr. Riabchuk participates in the program Forschungsperspektive Ukraine, working on his research project “Polish and German Discourses on the Russian War in Ukraine: Historical Frames, References, and Interpretations”.

Mykola Riabchuk: Mapping a "Nowhere Nation": Imperial Knowledge and Challenges of Decolonization
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