Job Ad Vilnius Branch of the German Historical Institute Warsaw

The German Historical Institute Warsaw, a research institute of the German public-law Max Weber Foundation, operates a branch office in Vilnius/Lithuania is seeking to employ a full-time research fellow as of 1 December 2024.

The research fellow is expected to conduct an independent research project, maintain existing and develop new academic cooperations with local and regional partners, organize academic events and work with visiting scholars of the Institute. The research project should be related to one of the existing research areas as described on the website:

Applicants should have a PhD degree, good language skills (Lithuanian, German, English; Polish is desirable), and experience in international academic cooperation. They should be acquainted with German, Lithuanian, and – preferably – also with Polish academia.

The announced position is based on a two-year contract. The place of employment is Vilnius. We offer a salary based on the standard of the German Embassy in Vilnius (monthly salary of 2.825 EUR brutto).

The Max Weber Foundation is a family-friendly employer that attributes particular importance to the compatibility of family and career. It implements equality policy guidelines by attempting to equalize existing imbalances when filling vacancies and encourages qualified women to apply. In accordance with the statutory objectives, the Max Weber Foundation favors severely disabled applicants over others and women over men if they have the same qualifications (suitability, aptitude, and professional performance). We value diversity and therefore welcome all applications – regardless of nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion/belief, age, sexual orientation, and identity.

Applications must be submitted by 31 October 2024 in one PDF file to the GHI Warsaw email address:, subject line Bewerbung_WissMA_AS_Vilnius.

In addition to the usual documents (CV, list of publications, degree certificates, etc.), an outline of the planned research project (max. 3 pages, including a 0.5-page summary) must be submitted, making clear reference to the profile and projects of the GHI. The selection interviews are expected to take place on-line in mid-November. Please send questions regarding the application to the above email address.

Personal data provided in response to this offer will be collected, processed and stored in agreement with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Privacy Policy of the Max Weber Foundation.

Ausschreibung Außenstelle Vilnius

Call for applications Vilnius branch office

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