In view of the recurrent crises that have hit the European Union over the last two decades, dominant assumptions about its historical development are under revision. Whereas important theories of integration mainly elaborated explanations of European integration as a linear progressive teleological process, recent criticism casts doubt on their capacity to capture the twists and turns both of current and past developments of the European Communities and Union. Particularly, the picture of the European Union as a political entity inexorably on its way to ever-deepening supranational unity has been called into question.
The conference at the the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, 29-31 March 2023, is organized by the participants of the research project “(De)Constructing Europe”, a cooperation between the Max Weber Foundation and the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). The conference contributes to a reconceptualization of the history of Europeanization by starting from the observation that resistance and opposition to the EEC and the EU should not be conceived as mere obstacles that had to be overcome on the way to integration.
Organizers: Antonio Carbone (DHI Rome), Olga Gontarska (DHI Warsaw), Alexander Hobe (HIS Hamburg), Beata Jurkowicz (DHI Warschau), William King (GHI London), David Lawton (GHI London), Andrea Carlo Martinez (DHI Rome), Philipp Müller (HIS Hamburg), Katharina Troll (HIS Hamburg)
Institutions involved: Hamburg Institute for Social Research (HIS Hamburg), German Historical Institute in London (GHI London), German Historical Institute in Rome (DHI Rome), German Historical Institute in Warsaw (DHI Warsaw)
Conference at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research
March 29-31, 2023