Nowa Publikacja: Habsburg Galicia and the Romanian Kingdom

Został opublikowany drugi tom naszej nowej serii "Poland: Transnational History(ies)": Habsburg Galicia and the Romanian Kingdom. Sociocultural Development, 1866–1914 by Raluca Goleșteanu-Jacobs.

This comparative attempt, intended for postgraduates and scholars of Eastern-Central Europe, investigates the political, economic, and cultural landscape of Habsburg Galicia and the Romanian Kingdom in the second half of the 19th century. Often, in historiography and in the public sphere alike, the two cases under study have been separately regarded as contexts that provided atypical answers to modernity, and parts of a region that has been regarded as atypical in itself. 

Recently, efforts have been made to integrate each of the cases in a post-imperial paradigm, identifying the complex interactions between their socio-political modernisation and historical memory. This book continues this trend by investigating for the first time the two cases together, as parts of a space of alterity, as labs of shifting ideologies and labels. 

The public figures and the institutions depicted in the book are physically located in Central and in Eastern Europe, but by sometimes competing experiences they are illustrative for several identities and historical realms, local, regional, and continental. Secondly, the current work addresses dilemmas related to Nationalism and nation building, for the sake of separating those discourses which reflected on civic nationalism from those which directed the public mind to the values of ethnic nationalism.

Wspólnie z Instytutem Historii PAN od 2022 r. wydajemy anglojęzyczną serię "Poland: Transnational Histories" w wydawnictwie Routledge. Prezentuje ona innowacyjne badania nad mobilnością i konsekwencjami licznych zmian granic, charakterystycznymi dla polskiej historii. Jednocześnie jest osadzona w szerszych dziejach spoza Polski. Nasze rozumienie "historii transnarodowych" jest zorientowane na takie koncepcje jak: nowe historie imperialne oraz historie translokalne lub globalne i wykracza poza bilateralne koncepcje historii relacyjnej lub histoire croisée. Celem serii jest przedstawienie splotów historycznych, obejmujących różne grupy etniczne, religie, kultury i klasy społeczne.

Tom I: Habsburg Galicia and the Romanian Kingdom. Sociocultural Development, 1866–1914 

Tom 2: Public Knowledge in Cold War Poland. Scholarly Battles and the Clash of Virtues 

Connecting Catholics in a Divided World: The Vatican and the Local Roman and Greek Catholic Church in Eastern Europe as an Intermediary in the Cold War (1945–1978)
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