Prof. Dr. Jaroslav Miller (Olomouc): Exporting Central Europe or History Discontinued? Postwar Political Exile in Australia: A Case Study of Czechoslovak Emigration, 1948–1989


Di. 28.11.2017 | 18:00 Uhr

Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Reihe „Dienstagsvorträge

ACHTUNG: Dieser Vortrag findet ausnahmsweise in englischer Sprache statt. Die Veranstaltung wird simultan englisch-polnisch gedolmetscht.

The end of World War II and the communist takeover produced a huge emigration wave from the whole territory of Central Europe. Most refugees, officially known as „Displaced Persons“, were offered, under pre-defined conditions, asylum and subsequently a new life in Australia. Expected to conform to Australian culture and transform themselves into „New Australians“, the in-migrants instead imported the Central European political debates and issues to Australian public and political life. By examining the inner fragmentation of exile and its impact upon Australian society, the lecture aims to analyze two conflicting historical narratives as produced by the official Australian historiography and the Central European (Czechoslovak) exile community. 

Jaroslav Miller (1971) is a Professor of History and former Director of the Historical Institute at Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. Currently, he holds the position of the President and Rector of that university. He studied History and Philology in Olomouc, Budapest (Central European University) and Oxford. Professor Miller pursued long-term research stays at universities and academic institutions in Canada, the U.S., Germany, the United Kingdom and Australia. During the 2010/2011 academic year Jaroslav Miller held a Go8 Guest Professorship at the University of Western Australia in Perth. Since 2012 he has served as the Ambassador of the Fulbright Commission in the Czech Republic.
Jaroslav Miller has published widely on urban and intellectual history. In 2008, he published his award-winning monograph Urban Societies in East Central Europe, 1500–1700. Recently, together with Lázsló Kontler, he edited the book Friars, Nobles and Burghers – Sermons, Images and Prints: Studies of Culture and Society in Early-Modern Europe (New York – Budapest 2010). In 2016 he co-authored the monograph The Czech Exile in Australia, 1948–1989.

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