Contested Knowledge in a Connected World

Die Veranstaltung wird gemeinsam mit dem mit dem Orient Institut Beirut und dem DHI Moskau organisiert.

Veranstaltungsort: Berlin

The conference “Contested Knowledge in a Connected World” brings together researchers from the large-scale research project “Knowledge Unbound: Internationalisation, Networking, Innovation in and by the Max Weber Stiftung”. The project is pursuing the aims of opening up innovative areas of research, strengthening the internationalisation of the foundation’s activity and expanding cooperation between the foundation’s institutes and external partners.
The conference title reflects the project’s fundamental direction: adhering to the precept of pursuing “knowledge unbound”. It focuses on selected research areas – which, in addition to Europe, comprise key regions such as the Near and Middle East, the Pacific region and the former “Eastern Bloc”. By exploring knowledge relationships and practices in various contexts, such as migration, mobility and exclusion, the conference will present multi-faceted perspectives from a truly transregional research project.

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