Biographical Summary

Born in 1980, Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska studied cultural studies and sociology at the Universities in Lodz, Giessen and Mainz. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Lodz in 2008 and completed her habilitation at the University of Warsaw in 2016. Since 2008, she has been an assistant professor at the Institute of Contemporary Culture at the University of Lodz. She held a research fellowship at the Centre for Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Berlin from 2010 to 2015, after which she became a research fellow at the German Historical Institute Warsaw. From 2018 to 2020, she was also a visiting professor and Humboldt Research Fellow at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität-Mainz. Her research fields are: Film and media history since 1945, visual history, collective and cultural memory, reception studies. 

Current GHI Research Project

Economies of Memory
(Research Area 5: Functionality of History in Late Modernity)

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Further Research Interests:

  • Film and media history after 1945
  • visual cultures
  • collective and cultural memory
  • reception research

She is currently leading the projects „Infrastructures of memory” and "Holocaust Mass Graves".


Selected publications


Microhistories of Memory. Remediating the Holocaust by Bullets in Postwar West Germany, trans. Alexander Simmeth, New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books 2023.

Mikrogeschichten der Erinnerungskultur. „Am grünen Strand der Spree“ und die Remedialisierung des Holocaust. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter York 2022, open access:

Bilder der Normalisierung. Gesundheit, Ernährung und Haushalt in der visuellen Kultur Deutschlands 1945-1948, Bielefeld: Transcript 2017 (jointly with Anna Labentz).

Ikony normalizacji. Kultury wizualne Niemiec 1945–1949. Warszawa: PWN 2015 (2. ed. 2017).

Spotkania czasu z miejscem. Studia o pamięci i miastach. Warszawa: WUW 2011.

Edited volumes

Histories of Prostitution in Central, East Central and South Eastern Europe, Sonja Dolinsek, Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska (ed.), Brill 2024.

Historia wizualna. Obrazy w dyskusjach niemieckich historyków, ed. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska, Warszawa: WN Scholar 2020 ( = Klio w Niemczech, vol. 25).

Modi memorandi. Leksykon kultury pamięci, Warszawa: WN Scholar 2014 (jointly with R. Traba)

Pamięć zbiorowa i kulturowa. Współczesne dyskusje niemieckie, Kraków: Universitas 2009.

Journal articles

“Infrastructures of Mass Graves. Work-in-Progress in Tylawa” Teksty Drugie. English Edition 1 (2023): 183–204, open access:

Entrepreneurs of Memory. Selling History in the GDR Museum i Berlin.” Memory Studies 2024, online first, open access: (jointly with S. Stach & H. Hochmuth).

„Mnemonic Wars in Poland: An Introduction to New Research Directions.” Acta Poloniae Historica 128, 5–25,  open accss:  (jointly with J. Wawrzyniak & Z. Wóycicka).

Im Namen des Volkes? Neue Sichtweise auf die polnische Geschichte. In: Neue Politische Literatur, (68), 2023, 111–124, open access:

New constellations of mnemonic wars: an introduction. In: Memory Studies15 (6), 2022, 1275–1288, open access: (jointly with J. Wawrzyniak & Z. Wóycicka).

The Agency of Nationalistic Images: Visual Histories in Poland. In: Visual History (VII), 2022 120-131.

„Wo bleibt die Filmzensur?“ Briefbeschwerden des Westberliner Kinopublikums in den 1950er Jahren. In: Montage AV (30) 2, 2021, 15–32.

Traveling Memories of the Holocaust in the Occupied Soviet Union: Hans Scholz’s “Through the Night” and its Remediations. In: German Studies Review, 43 (3), 2020

Abusing public visual history. The current right-wing press in Poland. In: The Public Historian vol. 42 (3), 2020

The framework of reception. Public responses to historical fiction films. In: Res Historica, 50, 2020, open access:

Przeszłość i przyszłość badań pamięci. Czy potrzebujemy nowej dyscypliny? In: Politeja 65 (2), 2020, open access:

„Product Not Available in Pre-War Quantities – but Quality Remains the Same”. Remarks on Advertisements as Historical Source, trans. Patrick Trompiz. In: View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture (25), 2019 25, open access:

Verordnete Geschichte. Nationalistische Narrative in Polen. In: Osteuropa (2-5), 2018 (jointly with Sabine Stach and Katrin Stoll).

Publiczne konstruowanie historii. Przeszłość w prawicowej ikonografii. In: Teksty Drugie (6), 2016, open access:

Watching films in the ruins: Cinema-going in early post-war Berlin. In: Participations. Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 12 (1), 2015, open access:

Verpasste Debatte. „Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter“ in Deutschland und Polen. In: Osteuropa (11–12), 2014 (jointly with Carolin Piorun).

Book chapters

“Introduction: Approaches to the Histories of Prostitution in Central, East Central, and South Eastern Europe”, In:  Histories of prostitution in East Central and South Eastern Europe, eds. S. Dolinsek, M. Saryusz-Wolska, Brill 2023 open access: (jointly with S. Dolinsek).

The Montage of the National Past: Polish Right-Wing Illustrated Press and the Abuse of History. In: Naviseh Mousavi, Beate Schirrmacher (eds), Truth Claims across Media. New York: Palgrave 2023, open access:

The German ‘Floating Gap‘: Post-Unification Memory in Literary Fiction. In: Veronika Pehe, Joanna Wawrzyniak (eds.), Remembering the Neoliberal Turn. Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989. London et al: Routledge 2024 (jointly with J. Jabłkowska).

„Ich war gezwungen zuzusehen”. Zu Holocausttätern, die sich als Zeugen inszenierten. In: Zeynep Tuna, Isabelle Zinsmeyer, Mona Wischoff (eds.), Stuttgart: Metzler 2022, 225–240.

„Zwischen den Schichten lesen. »Am grünen Strand der Spree« und die Authentisierung der Holocaustdarstellung“. In: Christoph Classen, Achim Saupe, Hans-Ulrich Wagner (eds.), Echt inszeniert. Historische Authentizität und Medien in der Moderne, Zdooks: Potsdam 2021, open access:

Holocaustdarstellungen im polnischen Film. Drei Beispielstudien. In: Helmut Peitsch, Christoph Kapp et al. (eds.): Nachkriegsliteratur als öffentliche Erinnerung. Deutsche Vergangenheit im Europäischen Kontext. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter 2018.

Breslau: Die doppelte Geschichte einer Stadt. In: Hans Henning Hahn, Robert Traba eds.), Maciej Górny, Kornelia Kończal (collab.), Deutsch-polnische Erinnerungsorte. Band 1: Geteilt / Gemeinsam. Schöningh: Paderborn 2015 (jointly with Juliane Haubold-Stolle).

Trabi, Käfer, Maluch: Die motorisierte Sehnsucht: Freiheit, Konsum und „die guten alten Zeiten“. In: Hans Henning Hahn, Robert Traba eds.), Maciej Górny, Kornelia Kończal (collab.), Deutsch-polnische Erinnerungsorte. Band 3: Parallelen. Schöningh: Paderborn 2013 (jointly with mit Magdalena Pyzio).

Starke Frauen und schwache Männer oder die Paradoxien der Rollenverteilung. In: Konrad Klejsa, Schamma Schahadat, Margarethe Wach (eds.): Der polnische Film. Von seinen Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Schüren: Marburg 2012.

Akademische Ämter

Member of the Academic Board of the Viadrina Center for Polish and Ukrainian Studies, European University Frankfurt (Oder)

Member of the Academic Board of the Leibniz Center for Contemporary History in Potsdam

Member of the Executive Committee of the Memory Studies Association (2021-2024)

Ambassador Scientist of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2020-2023)

Chair of the Team for International Relations at the Committee of Culture Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2020-2023)

Multiple member of expert commissions at the National Science Center

Jablonowski-Award for Activities in the field of Polish-German cultural and academic relations 2019

Peer reviews among others for: „East European Politics and Societies”, „Memory Studies”, „The Polish Review”, Routledge.



Workshop: Microhistory and site-specific research on the geographical center of the Holocaust
Thu. 05.06.2025 | 10:00 o' clock
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
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Infrastructural Turn. How Materiality Shapes Exhibitions about Difficult Pasts
Thu. 29.05.2025 | 11:00 o' clock -
Sat. 31.05.2025 | 17:00
Dr. des. Izabela Paszko
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
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Conference „Infrastructural Turn in Memory Studies: Second World War and the Holocaust”
Thu. 29.05.2025 | 09:00 o' clock -
Sat. 31.05.2025 | 17:00
Dr. des. Izabela Paszko
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska (GHI Warsaw): Infrastrukturen der Erinnerungskulturen
Wed. 26.02.2025 | 11:00 o' clock
Dr. Jan Musekamp
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
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Viktor Velek (Prague): Musikgeschichte und Heiligenverehrung als Spiegel der übernationalen Beziehungen
Wed. 20.11.2024 | 11:00 o' clock
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
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Julia Buyskykh (Ukraine): Ukrainian Greek Catholics in Poland: a Pilgrimage to Hope
Wed. 13.11.2024 | 11:00 o' clock
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
Dr. Ralf Meindl
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Andrew Tompkins (GHI Warsaw): Everyday Transnationalism in French-German and Polish-German Border Environments
Wed. 06.11.2024 | 11:00 o' clock
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
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Opening of the exhibition „Architecture and Everyday Life under German Occupation”
Fri. 18.10.2024 | 18:00 o' clock
Dr. Christhardt Henschel
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
Dr. Annika Wienert
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Bartosz Dziewanowski-Stefańczyk (GHI Warsaw): Historia i pamięć jako czynniki bezpieczeństwa ontologicznego. Polska polityka zagraniczna w okresie 1975-2004
Wed. 16.10.2024 | 11:00 o' clock
Dr Bartosz Dziewanowski-Stefańczyk
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
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Workshop: Holocaust Mass Graves
Fri. 14.06.2024 | 09:00 o' clock -
Thu. 18.04.2024 | 18:00
Dr. Łukasz Krzyżanowski
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
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Diskussion: Humanistyka w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej – wyzwania dla wydawców
Fri. 24.05.2024 | 16:00 o' clock
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
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Workshop „Infrastructures of Memory. Actants of Globalisation and their Impact on German and Polish Memory Culture”
Mon. 22.04.2024 | 09:30 o' clock -
Mon. 22.04.2024 | 17:00
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
Das DHI Warschau beim Kongress Polenforschung
Thu. 14.03.2024 | 10:00 o' clock -
Sun. 17.03.2024 | 18:00
Dr Bartosz Dziewanowski-Stefańczyk
Dr. Olga Gontarska
Dr. Michael Zok
Dr. Christhardt Henschel
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
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Panel Discussion: The Landscape of Our Memory
Wed. 31.01.2024 | 19:00 o' clock
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
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Workshop: Massengräber für die Opfer der "Operation Reinhardt" in den Bezirken Jasielsk und Krosno des Generalgouvernements Krakau
Fri. 15.09.2023 | 10:00 o' clock -
Wed. 20.09.2023 | 18:00
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
Mykola Riabchuk: Mapping a "Nowhere Nation": Imperial Knowledge and Challenges of Decolonization
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