On 3 and 4 December 2010 the German Historical Institute Warsaw (Deutsches Historisches Institut, DHI) together with the Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw (Żydowski Instytut Historyczny) will hold an international conference on “Jewish Work in Nazi Ghettos”. In six thematically arranged panels the most important aspects of Jewish work in Nazi ghettos during World War Two will be presented and discussed, including prehistory and aftermath. The full programme can be accessed online under a<link file:650 _blank download> link
To encourage the attendance of young academics the German Historical Institute offers a special scholarship. Apart from the participation in the conference the funding shall provide an opportunity to a short-time stay at the institute’s library or to a survey of the local archives’ or libraries’ records. The scholarship is designated for a one week’s stay from 29 November to 5 December 2010, and amounts to 400 Euro.
Applications will be accepted by Ph.D. students working on a topic related to the conference matter; preliminary work for the thesis is required. The application (consisting of: a covering letter which explains the interest in the conference; an outline of the thesis of one or two pages; information on the supervisors of the thesis; a curriculum vitae) should be submitted via e-mail and must be received by 1 October 2010. They shall be sent to the director of the German Historical Institute, Prof. Dr. Eduard Mühle (muehle(at)dhi.waw.pl).