The Global Pontificate of Pius XII.


Do. 11.04.2024 | 10:00 -
Fr. 12.04.2024 | 16:00 Uhr
Dr. Viktoriia Serhiienko

Annual Workshop of the Transnational Research Group
“The Global Pontificate of PIUS XII. Catholicism in a Divided World, 1945-1958”
DHI Warsaw, 11-12 April 2024

Organizers: Viktoriia Serhiienko (GHI Warsaw), Simon Unger-Alvi (GHI Rome)


Thursday, 11 April 2024
09:30 Welcome, Introduction
I The Catholic Church Facing the Challenges of Post-War Liberalization

09:45 – 10:35 Sam Kuijken (Leuven), Julian Sandhagen (Rome)
Between Altar and Embassy: Reconsidering Papal Diplomats in Modern Times

10:35 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 11:50 Aurel Dewarrat (Fribourg)
Decolonizing the Church in Cameroon: The Conflict Between the Missionaries and the Native Priests

11:50 – 12:40 Nina Valbousquet (Rome)
Postwar reconstruction, the Vatican and DPs camps: a microhistory of Cinecittà

12:40 – 13:40 Lunch break
II The Cold War(s) and the Catholic Church

13:40 – 14:30 Viktoriia Serhiienko (Warsaw)
Vatican Policy Toward the USSR Under Pius XII and John XXIII: Anti-Communism vs. Realpolitik?

14:30 – 15:20 Daniel McDonald (Oxford)
Catholicism and the Inter-American Cold War

15:20 – 15:50 Coffee break

15:50 – 16:40 Marion Dotter (Munich)
“Charity against Communism”? The Catholic Church and Eastern European State socialism after 1945

16:40 – 17:30 Katarzyna Nowak (Vienna)
Knocking on the Vatican’s Gates. Refugee Writing to the Holy See, 1944–1958

19:00 Dinner

Friday, 12 April 2024
III The Catholic Church in High Modernity: Between Theology and Social Reality

09:00 – 09:50 Patrick Houlihan (Dublin)
Religious Humanitarianism During the World Wars, 1914–1945: Between Atheism and Messianism

09:50 – 10:40 Noah Benninga (Jerusalem)
Vatican II, Historical Consciousness, and Hermeneutical Principles

10:40 – 11.10 Coffee break

11:10 – 12:00 Martina Weisz (Jerusalem)
Opting for the Rich: Church, Dictatorship and Class Struggle in the Argentinean Province of Jujuy

12:00 – 12:50 Angela Cimino (Rome)
What Future for the Holy Land? The Holy See, the United Nations, and the Question of Palestine in 1947

12:50 – 13:50 Final discussion

14:00 Lunch

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