Early Modern Statehood and Society in the Ukrainian Lands: Forms and Concepts


Mo. 11.09.2023 | 09:00 -
Di. 12.09.2023 | 16:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Miloš Řezník

The regions of today’s Ukraine participated in various processes of state formation in the early modern period. The most important among them were the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, followed by the Kingdom of Poland within the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; other polities involved Russia, the Crimean Khanate, the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire.

In addition, there were political powerstructures that had their focus in Ukraine itself and correspondingly became focal points of modern Ukrainian political imaginary. A case in point is the Hetmanate during the second half of the seventeenth through the eighteenth century. The conference will tackle the following topics: It aims to emphasize the roles that Ukrainian regions played in processes of cultural entanglements and early modern state formation in the various contexts which included Ukrainian lands between 1569 and 1795.

It encourages further reflection on the concept of statehood, starting from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Russian and Ottoman empires through regional and local polities. It explores the procedural character of early modern statehood, and in particular of the Hetmanate, by highlightingsuch phenomena as its ability to centralize power, the emergence of a standing army, a professional bureaucracy, and the separation of the idea of the state from the person of the ruler. It raises the question of society – or rather societies – as an analytical tool to understand early modern Ukraine.

The annual conference of the German-Ukrainian Historical Commission is organized in cooperation with the German Historical Institute Warsaw and kindly supported by the DAAD.

The organizational committee of the conference includes Prof. Dr. Miloš Řezník (German Historical Institute Warsaw), Prof. Dr. Yvonne Kleinmann (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg), and Dr.Volodymyr Sklokin (Ukrainian Catholic University Lviv).

Conference venue: Deutsches Historisches Institut Warschau, Pałac Karnickich, Aleje Ujazdowskie 39, PL-00-540 Warszawa 

Format: hybrid (online and offline participation possible)

Languages: English and Ukrainian

The German-Ukrainian Historical Commission is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

For organizational questions please contact:

duhk@lrz.uni-muenchen.de  / +49 89 2180-3056 


In order to watch the conference online, please find the Zoom registration link here.

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